Tuesday, February 01, 2005
For All Online Business Owners
Guardian eCommerce, as you may know, is dedicated to exposing trustworthy sites on the Web for online consumers worldwide. However, Guardian eCommerce also exists to meet the needs of online business too, like helping to increase online sales through the privacy seal program.
We urge online business owners to consider providing your customers with online payment flexibility. Provide your customers with an alternative to paying with PayPal simply because millions of Internet users do not use PayPal - for whatever reason. Instead, StormPay provides Website payment flexibility and it's taking the Web by storm! It's totally safe and SSL secure! It's absolutely free to join too.
More information at Guardian eCommerce.
We urge online business owners to consider providing your customers with online payment flexibility. Provide your customers with an alternative to paying with PayPal simply because millions of Internet users do not use PayPal - for whatever reason. Instead, StormPay provides Website payment flexibility and it's taking the Web by storm! It's totally safe and SSL secure! It's absolutely free to join too.
More information at Guardian eCommerce.